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Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Top 5 inspirational short Inspirational Stories In English


Time Is More Precious 

There was once a crowd in the doctor’s waiting room because none of the appointments were on time. 

An elderly gentleman rose and approached the receptionist, Madam, my appointment was for 10 am, but it is 11 am already. 

Could you kindly give me another appointment? I can’t afford to wait for so long, he said.

One man in the crowd leaned over to the other and said, “This man seems to be in his

the seventies. What urgency has he got at this age?”

The man overheard the whispered remark, turned to the lady, bowed, and said…


1. What did he say to the receptionist?

2. What is the implication of this story?


1. “I am not in my seventies. I am now eighty-seven. That is why the


2. Time is more precious to the elderly. As they grow old,  they come closer and closer to the end of their lives. 

Because of this, there is an urgency in them to do what they intend to accomplish.

Choose Happiness

A man used to be perpetually depressed. Nothing could cheer him. 

Once, a friend told him about an invigorating herb, which grew on top of a place called Mount Bliss. Not sure of its location, he studied a map and went on his way looking for it. 

While climbing, he met a mountaineer who discouraged him from climbing any further. The depressed man argued, why should he not climb a mountain for a very powerful herb which guarantees the freshness, health, and strength? To this, the mountaineer replied…


1. What was the mountaineer's reply?

2. What is the implication of this story?


1. “Mount Bliss is not here. You may search for it in your heart,” the mountaineer said.

2. People who search for happiness outside of themselves are bound to be disappointed. Happiness is a state of mind which can be realized through cultivating a serene mind,

by leading a virtuous life. A life filled with sin and animosity cannot bring enduring happiness. You can deliberately choose to lead a life of happiness. It is within your control.

Forgive Others For Their Mistakes

A mother and son were washing dishes meanwhile the father and daughter were watching TV. in no time, there was a crash of breaking dishes, then complete silence.

The girl looked at her father and said, It was Mum.

“How do you know?” the father asked. The girl replied…


1. What was the girl's reply?

2. What is the implication of this story?


1. Mum did not say anything, said the girl.

2. Some people are adept at finding fault with others but never realize that they too commit mistakes at times. 

To err is human. Since we all are prone to err, learn to forgive the mistakes of others.


Develop Strength From Weakness

Captain Scott of England died in a blinding blizzard while on his way to the South Pole. 

When his body was finally recovered, an unfinished letter was found in his pocket, addressed to James Barrie, an eminent English writer. 

The final word in that letter spelled COURAGE. Barrie kept the letter in a casket with great care, as a memento of the brave soldier. 

After a few years, the writer met with a tragic accident and lost his greatest strength, the use of his right hand without which all of his work and creativity came to a halt. 

After days and months of depression, one day he sat looking at the casket. Magically, he regained all his lost hope and determination and something inspired him to not give up.


1. How did he manage to regain his lost hope?

2. What is the implication of this story?


1. The letter which spelled ‘Courage’ gave him the inspiration and made him start writing again.
2. Even a word like ‘courage’ can spark off a person’s life. 

Positive words provide the necessary impetus for a person to develop strength from weakness.

Bear Humiliation For The Poor

There was once a very popular saint, Clement Hofbaeurm, who was famous for his largeheartedness and kindness to the poor. 

He worked hard for the underprivileged and did everything that he could to make their life a bit happier. He would often go out on long, tedious tours collecting donations for the poor. 

Once, he was out on a similar tour, begging for the neglected, poor people. A man, after being asked for alms, spat on his face. The saint politely said...


1. What did the saint say to the man who spat on his face?

2. What is the implication of this story?


1. The saint’s reply was, “That was for me. Now, do you have anything for the poor?”

2. The world survives because of such saintly souls. They spend their lives in the service of others.

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