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Tuesday, 1 September 2020

Motivational English Stories To Read In 2020


Develop The Quality Of A Saint

Saint Vincent de Paul’s name is associated with his kind deeds. He would very often travel far and wide doing things for people. 

Once, he was on one of his visits to the galley slaves at Marseilles, France. There he saw amongst all the prisoners present, one who was gloomier than the rest.

 “Tell me, my good man, what makes you so sad?” asked the saint. “My wife and children are far away, and  I long to see them, but I know that 

I’ll have to wait for a long time to finally be able to do that. after hearing this, Saint Vincent made a sacrifice that resulted in the slave reuniting with his family.


1. What did the saint do?

2. What is the implication of this story


1. He disguised himself in the slave’s clothes and took his place, while the slave hastened towards his family.

2. The act of St. Vincent de Paul displays the saintly qualities in him.

Cultivate Patriotism

The kingdom of Athens was putting up a strong defense against the Dorian invaders. But the invaders were quite confident because they had received the words, — “Either Athens must perish or her king!” from the Oracle. 

The Athenians were desperate. They could not bear the thought of their beloved king, Codrus being killed by the enemy. 

One night, an Athenian peasant entered the Dorian camp and deliberately picked a fight with some of the soldiers. 

A fight ensued and the Dorian soldiers killed the Athenian peasant. The news spread through the army and there was panic in the general public. 

Before morning, the Dorians found themselves fleeing, for they remembered the words of the Oracle.


1. Why did the Dorians flee?

2. What is the implication of this story?


1. The Dorians, to their horror, found out that the Athenian peasant who had died was none other than King Codrus, who had disguised himself as a peasant and offered his life for
the safety of his subjects.

2. The king was prepared to die for his country. His sacrifice is quite laudable. From that time on, no Athenian thought himself good enough to wear the crown of King Codrus.

Believe In God

Remaud, a French senator, had rented a hotel room for a month and paid for it in advance. The hotelkeeper asked him if he wanted a cash receipt.

“Oh, don’t bother,” said the senator. “It is enough that God has seen it.”

“Why monsieur, you believe in God?” asked the hotelkeeper. “Of course. And you do too, don’t you?”
“No Sir, I don’t.”


1. What did the senator say to the hotelkeeper?

2. What is the implication of this story


1. The senator said, On second thought, I feel that I should have a receipt from you.

2. Fear of God brings discipline in a person.

 A strong belief in the presence
of God would make a person more sincere, honest, and truthful. In the absence of this belief, one may be tempted to do all types of antisocial activities. 

This is the main reason for all religions to propound the theory of the existence of one God.
No One Is Too Stupid To Learn

There was once a boy who was dismissed and sent back from school because his teachers claimed that he was too stupid to learn anything. He came back and told this to his disheartened mother. 

She told him to ignore their comments. She came forward to teach him. This boy didn’t go to any school or university and was self-taught. Years later, the same boy grew up to create history in the scientific world.


1. Can you guess this boy’s name?

2. What is the implication of this story?


1. The boy’s name is Thomas Alva Edison.

2. It is pathetic that some teachers make unholy remarks about students, which may discourage them and lead them to discontinue school itself. 

Edison’s mother came forward and encouraged him.  

But for the encouragement of his mother, the world would have lost a super genius in the scientific world. This is a lesson for all teachers and parents.

Retain The Romance Of Life

There was once a very young-hearted colonel, Thomas Hart Benton, who was well- known for his jovial and humorous nature. People would often mistake him to be much younger than he really was, and he was often questioned about his age. Each time, he would have the same reply.


1. What was the reply of Thomas Hart Benton?

2. What is the implication of this story?


1. He would always say, “According to the calendar, my age is seventy- four; when anything is to be done, I am only thirty-five years old.”

2. Chronological age starts as soon as we are born. Biological age indicates the condition of our body as regards health and disease. 

Mental age refers to our capacity to discriminate, create and imagine, and how we use our mental
faculties. We can have different ages. In this connection, the words of Norman Vincent Peale are worth quoting:

“The person who is young awakes with a strange feeling which he was not able to explain but which is as if to say, This is the great day; this is the day on which wonderful things can happen. 

The individual who is old, regardless of age arises with the spirit unresponsive, not expecting any great thing to happen. 

This day will be no worse. Some people retain the spirit of expectation at three-score and ten. Some lose it early in life. The measure of one’s age is actually how well he retains the romance of life.”

Calamities Can Bring Growth And Enlightenment

In the midst of a vast, lonely desert, there was an old dying tree. Its withering branches had been home to a beautiful bird. T

he tree had been its home for many years. But one day, as luck would have it, a whirlwind uprooted the tree, forcing the poor bird to fly a tiring hundred miles in search of another shelter.

 The depressed bird, searching for shelter, kept wondering what ill it had done to deserve such a calamity. 

After several days of continuous flying and almost giving up with tiredness, it finally came to a  forest of fruit-laden trees.

And thus, it built another home in the new paradise.


1. What is the moral of this story?


1. If the withered tree had survived, nothing would have induced the bird to give up its security and fly. Calamities and difficulties are only temporary setbacks. 

They bring growth and enlightenment and even better opportunities.

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