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Monday, 7 September 2020

Best 6 Inspirational Short Stories in English


Develop The Virtue Of Humility

One evening, Catherine II of Russia rang for her servant. He did not come and she rang again, but there was no sign of him. She quietly left her room and went to the servant’s quarters and saw that the servant was busy with a game of cards. 

He was racking his brain trying to play a difficult hand. Taking the cards from his hand, the queen asked him to run for the errand she had called him for, and then she did something which left everyone absolutely spellbound.


1. What did the queen do?

2. What is the implication of this story?


1. The queen played the game successfully for him.

2. The queen displayed a heightened form of humility. The first test of a really great man is his humility. If you wish to be great, begin by being little. If you like to construct a vast and lofty fabric, think first about the

the foundation of humility. The higher your structure is to be, the deeper must be its foundation.

Remain Serene Against Meaningless Attacks

A man went strolling down the street with a dog at his side. Suddenly, three people came out of their homes and blocked his path. The first yelled that the dog had chased his cat to a tree. The second screamed that the dog disturbed him the whole night with his constant barking. 

The third commented that the dog wasn’t fed properly. The man calmly replied to their attack and left the three people absolutely stunned.


1. What did the man say?

2. What is the implication of this story?


1. The man quietly replied, “Do you have a need to be so unkind? This dog has sensed my friendliness and that’s how he has followed me. He’s not my dog.”

2. The attacks of foolish people are meaningless to the truly innocent and enlightened persons.

The Wonder Of A Child

St. Francis Xavier was perpetually at work and was a workaholic. This, however, started affecting his health. 

One evening, he was exhausted from teaching and preaching hundreds of people. He wanted to take rest and told one of his companions that he must sleep or else, he would surely die. 

He told his companion not to wake him up, regardless of whoever came to meet him. A little while later, he came back and corrected his sentence which left his companion surprised.


1. What did he say to his companion?

2. What is the implication of this story?


1. He told his companion to wake him up from his sleep only if a child came to see him.

2. This story reveals the fact that his love for children was great. Children may be small but we can learn a lot from them. The following poem is an eye-opener in this respect.

“Would ye learn the road to Laughter Town O
ye who have lost the way?

Would ye have a young heart though your hair is gray?

Go learn from a small child each day.

Go serve his wants and play his play and catch the lilt of his laughter gay.

And following his dancing feet as they stray For he knows the road to Laughter Town
O ye who have lost the way!”

Enjoy The New World Of Experience

A renowned botanist, given to much experimenting, created a new kind of fruit through skillful crossbreeding. To see how people would like it, he offered it to three of his neighbors. The first said that it did not at all look like an apple. The second remarked that oranges were good enough for him and the third commented that it was not like peaches.


1. How did the botanist take their responses?

2. What is the implication of this story?


1. From then on, the botanist resolved to offer his new fruit only to those who could think beyond their past.

2. The botanist believed that to taste a totally different kind of life, it’s important to detach yourself from the familiar and the habitual. Then only can you really enjoy the world of new experience?

How To Make Love Enduring?

Once there was a newly married couple,  much in love with one another. They wanted their love to only increase and never to reduce. So, they approached the Master and asked, “What shall we do to make our love endure?” The Master replied...


1. What was the Master’s reply?

2. What is the implication of this story?


1. The Master replied, “Love other things together.”

2. Family feud arises when what is liked by the husband is detested by the wife and what the wife enjoys is hated by the husband.

 If they are able to start liking and even loving what the other likes, there is no scope for any quarrels and misunderstandings among them. 

The couple should learn to love other things (which they don’t like
instinctively or naturally), together. It is ideal if the likes and dislikes of a couple are the same.

Be Happy And Cheerful

There is a story of an Irishman who was known all over for his humor and wit but he died suddenly and went up for divine judgment. 

He was feeling extremely uneasy. He didn’t think he had done much good on earth! There was a queue ahead of him, so he settled to listen and look. 

After consulting His big book, God said to the first man in the queue, I see here that I was hungry and you gave me food to eat, good man! Go to heaven. 

The second man He sent to heaven as well, as he had given Him water when He had been thirsty. 

The third man was also sent to heaven as this man had gone to visit Him
when He had been sick. And so it went on...

 The Irishman now sat examining his conscience and felt he had a great deal to fear. He had never given anyone food or water or visited any sick person. But when his turn came...


1. What was the judgment given to him?

2. What is the implication of this story?


1. The Irishman was also sent to
heaven because God said that whenever He was depressed and felt discouraged, this man’s timely jokes and funny stories had made Him laugh and be happy.

2. Jokes make people laugh. Laughter brings happiness and good health. In this way, people who advocate and practice wit and humor serve humanity.

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