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Monday, 7 September 2020

The 10 Best Short Moral Stories With Valuable Lessons


Make Constant Efforts To Become Proficient

Once, Mark Twain met a budding author.  The two struck a friendship and became close friends. One day, the young author told him that he was losing confidence in his ability to write. “Did you ever get that feeling?” he asked.

“Yes,” said Twain. Once, after I had been writing for fifteen years, it suddenly struck me that I didn't possess the slightest talent for writing.

“What did you do then? Did you give up?”

Twain gave him an answer that made the young author understand all about his struggle and constant efforts.


1. What did Twain tell the young author?

2. What is the implication of this story?


1. Twain told him, “How could I give up writing? By then, I was already famous.”

2. Twain had been writing for nearly fifteen years. If one can pursue a profession for fifteen years with a single-minded goal, it is natural for such a person to become an expert in that field. 
Naturally, he can become popular too. If one pursues a goal aggressively for a long period, there is every possibility of such a person becoming famous.

Help The Helpless

One afternoon, a Far Eastern Christian ascetic was climbing a mountain road in Tibet. With him, traveled a Tibetan monk. 

The two wayfarers were well aware that a storm was rising and that they must reach a certain monastery before dark, or they would perish in the piercing mountain cold. 

As they hastened forward in the icy wind, they passed a precipice from which rose a groaning voice. At the bottom, lay a fallen man, badly hurt and unable to move. The Tibetan said, “In my belief, here we see karma. 

This is the work of fate, the effect of a cause. This man’s doom is to die here, while I must press upon on my own errand.” But the Christian answered, “In my belief, I must go to my brother’s aid.” So, the Tibetan hurried on his way, while the ascetic clambered down the slope, packed the man on his back, and struggled upward again to the darkening road. 

His body was dripping with perspiration when at last he nearly fell over an obstacle on the ground and stood overwhelmed with pity and amazement. Huddled at his feet lay his  Tibetan companion, frozen to death. But the ascetic had escaped the same doom.


1. How did the ascetic escape the same doom?

2. What is the implication of this


1. The ascetic was able to escape death because his hard exercise in carrying the injured brother on his back had kept his body warm and had in turn saved his life.

2. One should always help the helpless under all circumstances. Consciously or unconsciously, every one of us does render some service or the other.

 If we cultivate the habit of doing this service deliberately, our desire for service will steadily grow stronger and will result not only in our own happiness but also that of the world at large.

Develop Godly Qualities

A renowned poet, Torquato Tasso, once had a persistent doubt and wanted to ask the wisest person to solve it for him. So he went to see King Charles IX, and asked him, “Who is the happiest person alive?” 

The king promptly replied, “God”. Tasso then asked him, “Who is the happiest person alive, after God?” The king replied …


1. What was the king’s reply?

2. What is the implication of this story


1. The king replied that the happiest person alive after God is the one who becomes the most like God.

2. The attributes of God are — love, purity, sincerity, honesty, sympathy, etc. If one were to develop these qualities, one becomes like God. 

A person can be happy only when he displays positive qualities in himself. All negative feelings like hatred, resentment, animosity, etc. would make a person unhappy and

A Unique Way To Punish Your Children

A family with one grown-up son aged 21 was living in a farmhouse, cultivating a hundred acres of land. They lived 20 kilometers away from the city with no neighbors to interact with the family.

One day, the father asked his son to drive him to the city as he had some business meetings throughout the day.

The car was to be given at a particular garage for some minor repairs and servicing. The boy got excited
about the opportunity to drive his dad to the city. Since he was going to the city, his mom gave him a list of household items to be purchased.

 The boy dropped his father at a particular place. At that time, the father asked his son to be at the same place at 4.30 pm so that both could return home together.

The boy left the car at the garage and also finished shopping as quickly as possible. Then, he went straight for a movie which was running successfully for several weeks. 

As he was totally immersed in watching the movie, he forgot to notice the time. When he came out of the theatre, it was already 5 pm. Then he went to the garage, picked up the car, and reached the place where his father was waiting for him. 

By then it was 5.30 pm. His father asked him why he was late. The boy was a little scared to inform him that he had gone for a movie. So he told his father that he got
delayed at the garage, as the car was not ready for delivery. 

The boy did not know that his father had already called the garage over the phone and ascertained that the car was ready for delivery by 4 itself. 

The father got upset that his son had told him a lie. He wanted to punish his son for telling a lie.


1. How did the father punish his son?

2. What is the implication of this story?


1. The father told his son that there
was something wrong with the way he had brought him up. In order to teach him a lesson, he decided to walk back to his farmhouse in the night, with no light on the road. 

The son felt ashamed. As his father was walking, he did not leave him alone and drove the car behind him slowly. They reached the farmhouse after six hours.

2. Instead of punishing the boy in some way, the father decided to punish himself. This act of nonviolence touched the boy’s heart and he resolved never to lie again in his lifetime.

 It is a unique way of teaching a lesson that can be emulated by other parents.

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