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Wednesday, 5 August 2020

which are the most popular blog/ types of blog


Whenever we think of starting a blog, the first question that comes in our MIND is that on which subject should we start writing the blog.

And it is also important that we should think beforehand on which subject we have to write an article so that we can target a specific audience.
We have many topics in the domain of blogging. You have to select one of them according to your interest and knowledge and you can write on that topic. In this article, we will share the most popular types of blogs that you can start immediately.

1.Personal Blog 

When blogging started in the 90s, the first types of bloggers appeared were online diary bloggers. These were the people who wanted to bring their daily journal online to share their experiences, feelings, and innermost thoughts with an audience.

For the personal blogger, there were no rules to follow or topics to follow. Their blogs were the open pages of his diary. Those who want to start a personal blog can start a blog in less than fifteen minutes using the mentioned platform Blogger, WordPress, Tumblr, and similar networks and share their talent with the world.

So what does a personal blogger write about? Everything. Some will focus on a particular interest, such as a hobby. Some will focus on the things they are passionate about politics. Some will focus on a cause, such as their struggle in life. Some will focus on what is on their mind when they start a new blog post.


2. Business Blog  

Business bloggers are those who blog for the business. generally, this can be a business that they own or the company they work for. The goal of a business blogger is to get more traffic, and ultimately customers for their business. Unlike a personal blogger, his writing focuses less on himself and more on his business and his industry.

A professional blogger will write about topics that will attract their ideal customers.


3.Fashion Blog 

Fashion blogs are one of the most popular types of blogs on the Internet. As you know, people are eager to know about the latest fashion. So you can easily guess that on such a blog you can attract good traffic. You can share new updated fashion images on your fashion blog and explain them in detail. Along with this, you can get the price of products, delivery time, etc. can also be shared.

4.Food blog

Okay, tell me one thing, who does not like to eat new dishes. Everyone wants to try something new, whether it is Italian Food or Chinese. But how will people know which dish they should try? You can help them with this thing, if you like eating new dishes and sharing your experience with people, then you can start a food blog. It attracts many readers who are interested in recipes, ingredients, healthy food, fine dining, and other food-related stories.


5.Travel Blog

Travel blogs are becoming more popular every day. Whenever we make a plan to go to a new place, first of all, we search for the place so that we do not have to face any problem after reaching it. If you like to travel to a new place and you keep on exploring new places, then you can share this experience with people so that people get to know about the place and they could do travel without hesitation. 


6.Music Blog

Who does not like to listen to songs? Whenever we are happy, we like to listen to music and whenever we are sad, we still like to listen to songs by putting our earphones on and sitting somewhere alone. Everyone has their own choice. There are lots of people who like to listen to sad songs and also have numbers of people who are diehard fans of listening to old songs. The music industry is a very big industry, its customer potential is very high. If you start writing blogs above the music, then there is a lot of possibility of your blog becoming famous.


7.Lifestyle Blog 

Whenever you search on Google to read blogs, you find most blogs related to Lifestyle. These types of blogs are very popular. This kind of blogger writes posts related to his lifestyle and everyday life experience.gernally the things they have been done in their life or what they wear and what are they good at and so on. In this type of blog, you can cover many types of topics. With which you can drive a large audience to your blog.if you think you have got something to share on the internet then you can go for a lifestyle blog. this blog has the biggest potential. all you need to write quality content that can attract people.

8.Fitness Blog

Every human being needs to be fit in life. Because if a person is not physically fit, then he will be surrounded by many lethal diseases in life.
In the rat race of life, today people do not have time to care about their health, and in the time they get, they do not have the proper knowledge to stay fit. Today a large number of people rely on the Internet to keep themselves fit. You can help people like this by creating a blog on fitness. In this type of blog, you can publish exercises, yoga, or other such things related to this domain by writing.
you can guide them related to the new exercise position, what is the right way to do any exercises, advantages, and disadvantages of any particular exercise. what time would be best to do the exercises. and everything that can help people to stay fit and healthy.


9. Sports Blog

The sports blog is also very popular on the internet. Every country in the world has different National sports and every sport has its own stars.

If you are interested in different types of sports, then you can start a sports blog. You can write about the stars of the game and you can write your posts on the games in which they have performed best or are doing well. Apart from this, you can share the list of upcoming matches with your readers so that they will not miss the incoming matches.you can also share the daily routine of famous
sports stars. if you start writing a blog on cricket or football then it can be the best decision made by you. 

10. Political Blog

if you have been a student of political science and you are interested in politics, then you can start your own blog related to politics. There are many people who are interested in politics and want to know what is going on in Lok Sabha and Vidhan sabha these days. For this, they depend on the Internet and you can help them by giving them updates related to politics regularly. In this field, you can target your large audience. in today's time, everyone wants to know what and how the country's government working.as for now you can see corona is on the boom on the internet. you can write about which party leaders' perspective towards the corona Pandemic.once you get into this regime you will have lots to write about politics. 

11. News Blog

Today, everyone watches the news, everyone wants to know what is going on in the country. Like, nowadays the coronavirus has been spread all over the world and everyone wants to know which place is affected by this global epidemic. There are many such updates that people are curious to know. You can also cover local news in such blogs. As if you yourself are aware that everyone wants to know about the updated news, then you can guess how much traffic you can bring to your blog. In this realm, you will have lots to write. as people are really curious to know about the latest technology and gadgets and many more.

12. Finance blog

In today's time, many types of taxes have been implemented in the country by the government and the government keeps revising these taxes from time to time. People should have knowledge related to finance, if you have knowledge of finance, then you can start your blog related to finance. In your blog, you can write the latest information related to banks' interest rates and the stock market, mutual fund, etc. in your post so that people can keep updated about this stuff.what is trading, cryptocurrency .what does the mean of bitcoin and so many topics related to finances.



apart from the above-mentioned types of blogs, there is also a category known as micro-niche so after reading this article, you must be understood that what is the option do you have to start a  blog. Now you have to choose one of them as per your preference and knowledge. simply you have to get a domain and start writing according to your niche.always be mindful while choosing a niche for your blog. because you must be passionate about what you are going to write about. there are some people who start their blog on the niche they have not any idea. but later they did'not have anything to write about so they ended-up closing their blog.so so choosing the best niche for your blog is the most important step in the process of blogging.

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