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Saturday, 5 September 2020

Best Spiritual Short Stories To Read In 2020


Beautify Your Life With Inner Glow

Lincoln was not very good looking. But people admired him, not for his looks but for the kind of person he was. Once, a man who had painted Lincoln’s portrait was introduced to him. This painter was a big fan of Lincoln’s. He brought the portrait to show to him.

All those who were present at the moment admired the portrait as remarkably beautiful. When Lincoln saw the portrait, he was

absolutely speechless, for the portrait was truly beautiful. He went up to the painter, shook his hands, and said…


1. What did Lincoln say to the painter?

2. What is the implication of this story


1. Lincoln said to the painter, “I presume, Sir while painting this portrait, you took your idea of me from my principles and not from my person.”

2. Beautify your life with an inner glow rather than an outer show. True beauty comes from the principles and character of a person, and not from mere appearance.

Choose The Right Career

Once, two beggars sat with their backs to an old mango tree. Before they was a rippling stream. The day was delightful and yet, one of them looked disconsolate. “You know, Raju,” mused one, “this business of begging is quite torturous. Think it over, nights on park benches or on the cold pavement; traveling on the goods train and always dodging the police; being kicked from one town to another and wondering where your next meal is coming from;  wandering unwanted everywhere, sneered at by your fellow men…”

His voice trailed off as he sighed heavily “Well,” said the second beggar, “If that’s the way you feel, why don’t you go and find yourself some job?”

The first one sat up with a jerk and said sternly…


1. What did the first beggar say to his companion?

2. What is the implication of this story?


1. “What! And admit to the world that I am a failure?” the first beggar said.

2. For the same reason, many who have chosen a wrong career do not like to change it, feeling that others would brand them as failures.

How To Reduce Stress And Tension

A stockbroker who had lost a huge fortune was disconsolate and in a very bad state. He tried his best to be his usual self again, but nothing helped. After a lot of persuasion by others in the family, he came in search of peace to a monastery. But he was too distraught to even meditate. In the monastery, he did not get what he wanted — peace of mind. Therefore, he left the monastery with total dissatisfaction. After he had gone, the Master had only a single sentence by way of wry comment.


1. What was the Master’s comment?

2. What is the implication of this story?


1. The Master commented, “Those who sleep on the floor, never fall down from their beds.”

2. ‘Sleep on the floor’ refers to the development of the virtue of humility. There is no feeling of hurt where there is humility. Loss of

money hurts the ego. The stockbroker lost his money. That might not have been a big loss for him, but in the eyes of society, his position was lowered. The greater the ego, the higher would be the fall of the person. Develop humility and there will never be an occasion for stress, tension, worries and loss of sleep.

Intelligent Way To Escape Wrath

War spreads like wildfire and so does hatred and bitterness. Those were the days when things were really sensitive between the French and the British, somewhere around the year 1727. Feelings ran high among the British when Voltaire visited England. One day, a crowd of angry Englishmen surrounded him when he was walking down a street. They caught hold of him and yelled, Kill him. Hang the Frenchman!  When the mob seemed to get out of control, Voltaire said something to them which not only controlled them but led
him safely back to his residence.


1. What did Voltaire say to the angry crowd?

2. What is the implication of this story


1. Voltaire said, “Englishmen! You want to kill me because I am a Frenchman! Am I not punished enough in not being an Englishman?”
2. Quick wit can lead you out of the most difficult and seemingly impossible situations. Voltaire flattered the Englishmen with his implicit statement that being English was superior to being French.

Never Make Prayer A Ritual

This is the story of two little girls who were recently taught the meaning and power of prayer at school. One day, both were in danger of getting late for school, something they absolutely dreaded. One said, “Let’s stop and pray to God to get us there on time so that we are not punished.” The other immediately said ‘no’.


1. Why did the other one say ‘no'?

2. What is the implication of this story


1. The other said ‘no’, because she felt that stopping and praying would further delay their reaching school. She thought running and praying at the same time was a better idea.

2. For most, prayer has become a ritual. The objective of prayer is to become more and more virtuous. Pray to God to be more pure, humble, and honest. That kind of prayer will be answered. To pray for rain is ridiculous and even more
ridiculous is to pray for money or for a transfer from one place to another.

Bring The Kingdom Of God Into Your Heart

During the war between Russia and Germany, the Russian Government ordered that all youth should join the army for compulsory conscription for the war effort.

One youth refused to join the army. He informed the officers that he was totally against any war. The officers brought him before a judge. When questioned, the youth replied that he was a conscientious objector to the war and believed in the philosophy of
Tolstoy and the preaching of the New Testament. The judge explained to him about being realistic and that the kingdom of God had not yet come. To which the young man said…


1. What did the young man say to the judge?

2. What is the implication of this story?


1. The young man replied, “These laws are of the kingdom of God. It hasn’t
come as yet for you, but it has come to me.”

2. The youth’s conviction should be appreciated. He strongly believed that God would never recommend war as the means to bring peace on earth. War only leads to destruction and God would never want that.

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